

Our quality systems are designed to meet the most stringent global regulatory standards. This enables us to deliver products that consistently meet the expectations of the US, EU, and APAC markets. NewAtom adopts:

  • Globally recognized quality management systems.
  • Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) for clinical supplies, and commercial supplies.
  • Digitization of quality systems which are accepted globally.

With manufacturing plants approved from the following regulatory bodies:


At NewAtom, we deliver products that enable our customers to achieve better health. Our commitment to quality, safety, and effectiveness drives everything we do.

Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability

  • Effluent Management: After primary treatment, effluent is directed to Central Effluent Treatment Plant, where it undergoes further processing to ensure environmental compliance.
  • Clean Energy Generation: We’ve invested in a captive solar plant, harnessing renewable energy for our operations. This commitment to cleaner energy contributes to a greener future.
  • Comprehensive design includes both a pilot block and manufacturing block, with provisions for further expansion up to 800kl.
  • Fire Safety Preparedness: Our entire site is equipped with advanced fire detection systems and fire hydrants. We prioritize emergency preparedness and response to safeguard our team and facilities.
  • Certifications: We proudly hold ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management) and ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety) certifications, demonstrating our dedication to sustainable practices and employee well-being.

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