Process Safety and Engineering


At NewAtom, we prioritize the safety and environmental impact of our processes and operations right from the proposal stage. Here’s how we ensure safe practices


Safety Evaluation during proposal stage

We evaluate each RFP for potential safety risk based on prior art and in-house technical expertise, this will help precise evaluation with safety as intrinsic element. Our EHS team is involved right from the beginning.

Process Hazard Analysis

We perform comprehensive Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) to identify risks, such as exothermic reactions, kinetics, toxic gas releases, vent sizing and runaway reactions. We identify and evaluate hazards associated with each operation during reaction, workup and isolation including raw materials, reaction mixtures, intermediates, and final products.

We also evaluate powder safety through Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) and Minimum Ignition Temperature (MIT), and Dust Explosivity Tests (DET).

Our state-of-the-art lab is equipped to assess safety in chemical reactions. We analyze energy release, heating/cooling capacities, and thermal stabilities using techniques like:

  • Reaction Calorimetry (RC1e)
  • Accelerated Rate Calorimetry (ARC)
  • Micro Reaction Calorimetry (μRC)
  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC).


HAZOP Studies

Our Cross Functional Team (CFT) comprising personnel from Process development, process eng., EHS, facility and manufacturing, conducts HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Study) and HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) to ensure thorough evaluation.

Our Process Eng. Lab is equipped with miniature equipment like Centrifuge, Nutsche filter, ANFD, RCVD etc. to mimic plant conditions and to conduct robustness studies.

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